What if an organizational wizard tackled your...

People might start to think you're superhuman.

Life-managing Services

Tired of the endless barrage of to-do's that mess with your career, relationship, and happiness? Duck it.

We anticipate, research, execute, calendar, and remind so you don’t have to.

  • Taking care of your sanctuary

    • Exterminator

    • Chimney sweep

    • Firewood delivery & stacking

    • Snow shoveling service

  • Nourishing yourself & your loved ones

    • Recurring meal delivery

    • Meal subscription plans that accommodate preferences & allergies

    • Catering providers & menus

    • Hard-to-get reservations

    • Finding a restaurant that fits specific narrow criteria

  • Staying on top of self-care and family-care

    • Annual physicals, dentist, eye, specialist appointments

    • Annual vaccines

    • Personal care (hair, massage, nails, waxing)

    • Recurring drug/supply orders

  • Letting you let loose

    • Party venues, menus, decor

    • Broadway/ballet/concert tickets

    • Pet adoption shelters & logistics

    • Engagement planning

    • Gift recommendations

    • Handwritten notes

    • Family photo session

    • Holiday cards

  • They do make life complicated, eh?

    • School/camp application schedules

    • Camp/activity recommendations that fit your interests & needs

    • Registration paperwork

    • Birthday party planning

  • All the stuff it takes to run the show

    • Calendaring schedules for school, extracurriculars, activities, board meetings, faith/nonprofit schedules

    • Anticipating & procuring sport/activity equipment needs

    • Processing returns & pickups

    • Completing registration paperwork & forms

    • Bill pay & organization

    • Family photo sessions

  • Getting where you need (and want!) to go

    • Booking hotel / airbnbs

    • Booking flights

    • Global Entry / international visas / passport logistics

How it works

  • Give us a few pointers

  • We’ll begin life-managing

  • Track progress in-app


  • We’re here for you 24/7. Feel free to submit a task at any point — whether while you’re dooming scrolling at 2 am or out for your early Saturday morning jog. We’ll always get back to you as soon as possible, but certainly by the next business day!

  • The perfect anniversary present? Recurring meal delivery? Halloween costumes for the kids (or you - you crazy party animal)? You got it. We’ll use the card we have on file for your subscription - and we'll always ask for your ok before we make a purchase.

  • Try us. You can think of us as your newest family member (one that carries more than their fair share of the grunt work), so let us know what you need and we’ll aim to get it done. And if your needs require an expert (i.e. wedding planner, travel advisor), we’ll hook you up with the right person to get the job done.

  • Our chaos-organizing copilots can see ahead and do-ahead for you, so you can actually let go a little – without anything getting dropped. Our entire team is currently based in the United States, are fully background checked, and meet our high ethical and professional standards.

Become a copilot

Are you a professional assistant who wants to support busy families? 

Does your ability to see around corners and plan ahead make you the envy of your friend group?

About Us

A duck’s bill is a sixth sense for anticipating what’s ahead, and their all purpose tool - from a hook to a shovel to a food-sensor and more. That’s the role we aim to play in your family: a back pocket life-managing tool to organize and tackle everyday mayhem.

We’re building the solution we want for ourselves — the tool for busy people who can get it all done, but deserve a better option. And we’re just getting started: launching with a focus on helping busy parents, we’re working furiously to create a future where everyone’s chaos is refreshingly manageable.